

Taking on the responsibility

When somebody close to you has passed away, handling probate and the long administrative processes it entails can be immensely difficult.

At Pearson May, we aim to relieve some of the stress on you and your family by offering our services in probate and estate administration. We work closely with our clients throughout their lifetime, which gives us an in-depth understanding of their financial affairs – putting us in the ideal position to handle their estate.

Calculating and reporting inheritance tax is a significant part of the process, which must be carried out before you are able to distribute the estate between its beneficiaries.

It’s important at this stage that you are aware of the allowances and reliefs available and that you take these into account when calculating the inheritance tax due.

We can take care of this on your behalf, helping you to avoid the risk of overpaying tax or creating any unnecessary delays.

After inheritance tax accounts have been produced, the next stage is to apply for a grant of probate, giving you the authority to deal with the assets and liabilities of the person who has died according to the wishes set out in their will.

Whether you need us to manage the probate process from beginning to end on your behalf or simply calculate and report your inheritance tax, we’re available for as much or as little of the process as you need.

We have produced a free guide to probate and estate administration services which you can download here.

For further details about our charges and timescales for this service, please see our Case Studies.

You can also read our Regulatory and Complaints Information, Staff Diversity Data and link to the ICAEW Probate Register and Probate Regulation.

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